SALES: 833.715.5400

Client Testimonials

Super Storm Sandy hit us just as did it scores of other businesses in Manhattan. As soon as I saw it was coming on shore, and not headed out to sea, I initiated our Disaster Recovery Plan. The center point of our DRP is the VoiceShield online hub. First order of business is to get my phones pointed to VoiceShield so that I can control them online. Waiting until the storm hits won’t work because by that time, our carrier is swamped with major issues of their own and that isn’t the time to get your business calls forwarded from the CO. We dispersed our team to get out of harm’s way and to safe locations with power and internet. From there, all we had to do was go online to feed our calls to our agents that were logging in from home, or our alternate call center. Some agents are happier when working from home being close to family. And they’re also happy to be contributing during an outage instead of sitting around doing nothing all day. With VoiceShield, our business didn’t miss a beat. We didn’t need to invest in massive back-up generators, because if primary power is off, we simply disperse. With VoiceShield, you can avoid all of those issues and keep your business operating smoothly. Our customers either didn’t know we were based in NY and affected by Super Storm Sandy, or if they knew where we normally work, they were amazed that we were open and providing the same great customer service as any other day. This is a business advantage that VoiceShield provides and that we have over our competitors. Thank you VoiceShield!
Robert Schweitzer

Vice President, Zerve

Teleira provides a crucial link between members and their credit union. Credit unions need to communicate with members in the event of a disruption in service, and Teleira offers a seamless continuance of communications that provides comfort during uncertain times.
Marvin Garland

COO, FCUL Service Group, Florida Credit Union League

Let me tell you how great and wonderful your service is. We were trained on the system on a Wednesday, and later that same night we received a call from the Utah County Sheriff asking for Red Cross services to support the tragic situation at the Nutty Putty Caves. We put your system into play, sending out a call to our volunteers to see who would be available to respond. How simple it was to contact and assess the availability of our people. It saved a tremendous amount of time and created efficiency that allowed us to focus on critical services. Our volunteers commented on how cool it was to receive contact from cell phone, text and e-mail. Many thanks to you.
Garr Judd

Executive Director, Red Cross, Utah

We have had to use the system a few times and it has worked great. Last week one of our offices was robbed. Needless to say this disrupted our services at this office. It was relief to re-route those calls to other offices, many of the calls were from concerned family members, and we were able to give them an update on the situation. Most of our members saw no interruption in business. I just wanted to thank you for all you have done.
Paul Atkinson

Vice President, Alpine Credit Union

Teleira has an exceptional product with many features and the flexibility to fully customize its usage to suit the needs of any company. The product is intuitive and does not require arduous training to become proficient in its setup and usage. Teleira support staff have made our experience in establishing Web Call Controller as our backup inbound call recovery amiable, expeditious, and effective.
Shirley Runnels

MBCP,Business Continuity Manager, AmeriPath